Stochastik AG

Jan 16
16-01-2020 14:15 Uhr bis 16:00 Uhr

Christoph Richard (Erlangen)

Titel: On sampling and interpolation by model sets

We refine a result of Matei and Meyer on stable sampling and stable
interpolation for simple model sets. Our setting is model sets in
locally compact second countable abelian groups and Fourier analysis of
unbounded complex Radon measures as developed by Argabright and de
Lamadrid. This leads to a refined version of the underlying model set
duality between sampling and interpolation. For rather general model
sets, our methods also yield an elementary proof of stable sampling and
stable interpolation away from the critical density, which is based on
the Poisson Summation Formula.

This is joint work with Christoph Schumacher, Dortmund.